ioMirror E3210 User’s Manual
Using the Web Console
The Current Setting sets the channel’s current output status in order to test the DO connection. The
Power On Setting sets the channel’s output status when the I/O server is first powered. The Alarm
Status Setting sets the channel’s output status when the I/O server is in an alarm state. The alarm is
configured on the
ioMirror Settings
page. After changing the DO channel settings, do not forget
to Save/Restart your system.
ioMirror Settings
On the ioMirror Settings page, you may configure how I/O signals will be transmitted over
Ethernet and how the alarm will operate.
Under ioMirror Settings,
Interval time
determines how often I/O signals will be transmitted and
accepts values between 20 and 600,000 ms.
TCP Port no
determines the network port that is used
for I/O signal transmission. You can modify this setting as necessary to transmit signals through a
Time out
determines how long the ioMirror will wait for a network response before it will
consider the connection broken.
Alarm Settings
The ioMirror can serve as the input module to several remote output modules simultaneously. At
the same time, it can also serve as the output module to other remote input modules. The ioMirror’s
alarm is designed to activate if any of these connections to other ioMirror units is broken. When the
alarm is activated, several things happen:
all DO channels are reset to their Alarm status
the alarm LED flashes
any device connected to the alarm port will be activated
an error message is sent to the ioEventLog
Under Alarm Settings, you can enable or disable the alarm. You can also specify where and how to
send error messages with
ioEventLog Server IP
TCP port no