Start moving forwards very carefully
on sloping ground to prevent the risk of tipping over.
Reduce the forward speed before going on a slope, par-
ticularly downhill.
Never use reverse to reduce speed
going downhill: this could cause you to lose control of
the vehicle, especially on slippery ground.
Never ride the machine on slopes
in neutral or with the clutch out! Always shift into a
low gear before leaving the machine at a standstill
and unattended.
Go down slopes with your foot off the drive pedal (
to use the braking effect of the hydrostatic drive when the
transmission is not engaged.
If the machine is transported on a
truck or trailer, use suitable equipment for lifting and
enough people for the weight involved and the type of
lifting system used. The machine must never be lifted by
rope and tackle. During transport, close the fuel stop-
Hydrostatic transmission:
Mechanical transmission:
cock (if fitted), lower the cutting deck, apply the parking
brake and fasten the machine securely with ropes or
chains to the hauling device.
To keep a lawn green, soft and attractive, it should be cut
regularly without damaging the grass. A lawn can be com-
posed of different types of grass. If the lawn is cut fre-
quently, grass and roots grow more vigorously, forming a
solid grassy bed. If the lawn is cut is less frequently, high-
er grass and weeds start growing (plus daisies and
clovers, etc.).
It is always better to cut the grass when dry.
The blades must be in good condition and well sharpened
so that the grass is cut straight without a ragged edge
that leads to yellowing at the ends.
The engine must run at full speed, both to ensure a sharp
cut of the grass and to get the necessary thrust to push
the cuttings through the collector channel.
The frequency of mowing should be in relation to the rate
of growth of the grass. The grass should not be left to
grow too much between one cut and the next.
During hot and dry periods, the grass should be cut a little
higher to prevent the ground from drying out.