IV25101A_e.DOC / Feb-08
Page 8 / 25
DIL switch settings
The DIL switch located on the top site of the unit provides customer-specific settings of desired
operation modes.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SSI Resolution:
3 OFF, 4 OFF : not valid
3 ON, 4 OFF : 25 Bit
3 OFF, 4 ON : 21 Bit
3 ON, 4 ON : 13 Bit
Set Default:
OFF:Unit loads default settings with every power-up cycle
ON : No loading of default settings upon power-up.
Analogue Update Mode
OFF:Update of analogue output in a fixed preset time pattern
ON: Update of analogue output after every SSI telegram
SSI- Test:
OFF: Normal LED operation, Teach function enabled
ON: Verifies correct status of clock and data lines, Teach function disabled
SSI Code
OFF: Gray Code
ON: Binary Code
SSI Mode:
OFF: Slave Mode
ON : Master Mode
Serial Port:
OFF : RS 232- Format
ON : RS 485- Format
The switch settings shown above are suitable for Master operation of a 25 bit SSI encoder with Gray
coded output. The analogue output operates with equidistant update time and the serial link is set to
RS232 communication.
Changes of the switch settings will become active only after the
next power-up cycle!
After setup and commissioning, please set DIL switch position 6
to ON. If set to OFF, any inadvertently touch of the „Teach“ button would
overwrite your previous scaling input!