IV25101A_e.DOC / Feb-08
Page 13 / 25
Parameter Settings
Display Settings:
X Operand, / Operand, +/-Operand:
These operands serve for conversion of the position information transmitted by the encoder into
other engineering units like millimeters or inches etc. This conversion only refers to the numeric
readout value by serial link, but does not affect the scaling of the analogue output.
With the settings
x Operand = 1.0000
/ Operand = 1.0000 and
+/- Operand = 0.0000
the serial readout value equals to the encoder value.
Serial Readout
SSI encoder data
+ +/-Operand
General Settings:
Teach Minimum, Teach Maximum:
These two settings define the range of the encoder where the analogue output should move
between minimum and maximum output. At any time you can use the Teach button of the unit
or the soft keys on the screen to set these registers*), but you are free to enter your settings
directly by keyboard, without using the Teach function.
Round Loop:
In general, this setting should be 00000. Any other settings will substitute the real encoder
position by a repeating cycle count.
Example: when we set this register to 2048, the internal position register will only move in a
range between 0 and 2047. When we underpass zero with reverse direction, again 2047 will
appear. When we exceed 2047 with forward direction, we restart at 0 again.
The zero position of the round-loop counter can be set by register “SSI-Offset” which allows
settings between 0 and the Round-Loop value. Register “Direction” allows to set the counting
direction of the round loop counter (0 = up, 1 = down).
Within this new definition of a round-loop range, you are free to set the zero and full scale
thresholds of your analogue output again by means of Teach-Min. and Teach-Max. parameters.
*) Click to Teach-Min (on) and again (off), then click to Teach-Max (on) and again (off).
To activate your Teach results, click to “Activate Data”, to read out and see your Teach results on the
screen, click the “Read” key.
All settings will be finally stored to the unit after clicking the “Store EEprom” key.