IV25101A_e.DOC / Feb-08
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Your full scale position is allowed to be higher or lower than the zero position
More scaling facilities and linearization functions are available with PC setup
Teach min“ always refers to the initial output value defined by „Output
mode“, i.e. 0 volts or 0 mA or 4 mA
When, after setting of the full scale position, the status LED does not switch
off, this indicates an overflow error where the mechanical zero position of
your encoder lies between your two teach settings. In this case you need to
change the zero position of the encoder (mechanically or by corresponding
programming of the encoder). With PC setup, the converter itself provides
also an electronic suppression of the overflow jump
The only way to reset an overflow error state is to cycle the power supply
The LED overflow check may fail with encoders providing a resolution
lower than 13 bits
Encoder zero
Teach min.
Teach max.
Overflow error
The Set Input:
With a HIGH signal on the Set input (terminal 10), the unit temporary substitutes the SSI
encoder data by a set value as entered to the “SSI Set Value” register, and the analogue output
as well as the serial readout will follow correspondingly. This means, independent of the actual
mechanical position of the encoder, the unit internally uses the register data instead of the
encoder SSI data. It turns back to normal encoder reading as soon as the Set signal goes LOW
This function can be very useful for testing and commissioning purpose.
The Set input uses PNP / HTL characteristics (LOW = open or 0 – 3 V, HIGH = 10 – 30 V)