Training Program
• For best results, regardless of how quickly your dog is learning and
respecting its new boundary, complete each phase of the training process.
Training Tips
• Do not punish your dog if it goes outside the boundary. The purpose of the
training is to teach your dog that it is rewarding for it to stay inside the
boundary and good things happen whenever it is inside the boundary.
Training - DAY 1
Teach your dog to retreat from the boundary flags at the sound of warning beep
from the Pet Collar Unit.
Set the Static Correction level to
LEVEL 0 – tone only
. This will ensure that
your dog hears the warning beep only, without being subject to any static
correction (see “Set the Static Correction Level” on page 27).
Put a separate collar on your dog’s neck above the Pet Collar Unit, without
adding pressure to the Collar Contacts on it, and attach a long leash to the
separate collar.
Get some tasty treats or your dog’s favorite toy.
Food rewards and play are excellent ways to reinforce good behaviors and
speed up your dog’s learning.