Installation and Commissioning
Adjust Power Settings
The transmit power levels of the installed units must be adjusted to ensure they are not too high.
Excessive power levels may cause saturation of the receivers or false radar detection (in radar
enabled regions), leading to degradation of link performance and link failure. To adjust power
levels, follow this procedure:
Step 1:
Consult the report generated by the LINKPlanner tool and note the Transmit power
recommended levels.
Step 2:
Set the local unit power equal to the “LOCAL - Max Transmit Power setting while
pointing” value from the LINKPlanner report.
Step 3:
Set the remote unit power equal to the “REMOTE - Max Transmit Power setting
while pointing” value from the LINKPlanner report.
Step 4:
Access each unit separately.
Step 5:
Align the units.
Step 6:
Repeat Step 2 and 3 using the values “LOCAL - Max Transmit Power setting before
disarm” and “REMOTE - Max Transmit Power setting before disarm”, if different than the
corresponding “while pointing” values.
Step 7:
Reboot the local unit then reboot the remote unit.
Step 8:
Disarm the units.
Disarm on Completion
When the alignment process is complete, the installer MUST REMEMBER TO DISARM
UNITS in the link. This is necessary in order to:
Turn off the audible alignment aid.
Enable Adaptive Modulation
Clear unwanted installation information from the various systems statistics
Store the link range for fast link acquisition on link drop
Items for Future Reference
Take note of the following items for future reference:
Save a copy of the configuration using the “Save and Restore” functionality found under the
“System Administration – Configuration” menu.
Take a screen shot or print of the status page.
Note the position and orientation of the antenna.
Note surrounding objects that may interfere with the link (a photograph is recommended).
After 1 hour of operation, the mean value of Link Loss on the status page should be within
the values given in the LINKPlanner report. Further adjustments of the power levels may be
necessary, so consult the LINKPlanner report notes and adjust the powers accordingly. You
will be required to reboot the units for that to take effect.
The LINKPlanner may need re-running to account for new known obstacles any time during
the operation of the link.
For short ranges and for links installed when Radar is Enabled, the PTP 300 and PTP
500 Series software will adjust automatically the maximum Transmit Power when the unit is
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