6.5 Things to try – just tap and say:
To do this...
Say this...
Ask Alexa to make landline calls to
your contacts or to other numbers
supported by your landline service
provider. Charges may apply – check
with your landline service provider.
If there is more than one contact of
a requested name or there is more than
one number for your contact – Alexa
will ask you which one you would like
to call.
“Call (Mum).”
“Call (Mary’s) mobile.”
“Call (John) on his home phone.”
“Call (Kyle) at work.”
“Call (Mum’s) office.”
Dial a mobile or landline number
“Call 0-2-0-7-9-4-6-0-1-2-3.”
Make a call to another compatible Echo
and / or Alexa device
“Call (Dad’s) Echo.”
“Call (Richard’s) Alexa.”
News, Weather & Traffic
“What’s in the news?”
“Will it rain this weekend?”
“What’s the weather in Portland?”
“How’s my commute?”
Questions & Answers
“What can I say?”
“Who was the first man on the moon?”
“When is sunset?”
“Why is the sky blue?”
Timers, Alarms and Calendars
“Set a 10-minute timer.”
“Remind me to water the plants.”
“Add birthday card to my shopping
“What’s on my calendar today?”
Smart Home
“Turn on the lights.”
“Set the temperature to 21 degrees.”
“Lock the front door.”
“Dim the bedroom to 20%.”
Alexa Skills
“What are your popular skills?”
“Let’s play a game.”
“Help me sleep.”
“Teach me something.”
Music & Radio
“Play music for cooking.”
“What song is this?”
“Play pop from the ‘90s.”
“Play the station Jazz FM on TuneIn.”
Alexa Voice Services