The Motorola 68HC12 is a 16-bit microprocessor descended from the 68HC11. The
design has a number of major improvements over the 6811 and several new features
that are not found on the 6811. The biggest change is the expansion from an 8-bit
bus to a full 16-bit bus for both the data and address. Other improvements include
an increase in the number of A/D converter registers, Timer output compare and
input capture pins, and I/O ports. Also added is a second SCI connector and a new
interrupt, called a Key Wakeup interrupt.
This manual is intended to provide a brief introduction to the 68HC12 and how to
program it in C using the Introl C compiler 4.00. This manual is intended
primarily for those people who are already familiar with the Motorola 68HC11. This
manual also assumes that the reader has basic familiarity with the C programming