Average speed function (AVE)
This function describes the correct working/visualization of average speed
function related to TD and LAP. The data represents the average speed
of the vehicle (expressed in Km/h or in Mph depending on the selected
measurement unit) that is calculated as ratio between covered distance
(TD) and the time used to cover this distance (LAP).
It’s possible to set to zero the counter of this parameter pushing the Set
button for about 2 seconds, in correspondence of the function AVE, till
when the value 0.0 appears.
The setting to zero of AVE, which is possible both when the vehicle is
stopped or when the vehicle is running produces the setting to zero of
TD and LAP too.
AVE setting to zero is foreseen when LAP function arrives to 23:59:59
value or when TD function rises 999.9 value.
If the data is out of range , it will be visualized - - - -.