1. Don’t remove or damage any warning label fixed on the instrument.
2. Keep the instrument out of the reach of children. Don’t point the
laser beam emitted from the instrument at any person.
3. Don’t operate the instrument when there are children nearby or
leave it within reach of children without parental supervision.
4. Don’t place the instrument somewhere that the laser beam can be
intentionally or unintentionally ignored.
5. Don’t emit the laser beam to a highly reflective surface as the laser
beam will be easily reflected back to t
eyes of the user or
6. Deactivate the laser function when the instrument isn’t in use. Failure
to do so will increase the risk of inadvertently looking into the laser
7. Don’t try to alter the properties of the laser. Failure to do so may
result in serious laser radiation injury.
8. Don’t try to repair or disassemble this instrument on your own.
Unauthorized repair may result in serious laser radiation injury. Any
repair must be conducted bya licensed technician.
9. Don’t use this instrument in a place where flammables exist, such as
flammable liquids, gasses and dusts.
10. The performance of the instrument can be guaranteed only with the
use of original spare parts.
11. Keep the instrument out of reach of children.
Laser Distance Measure