the original model changed name to G2-0402.
Digital electronics was completely overhauled and upgraded to USB
2.0 interface with 480 Mbps transfer speed.
The air intake vents shaping was slightly changed to make the camera
somewhat quieter. This revision still used two fans.
Camera driver was named “g2ccd2”, the digit “2” in the suffix
signalized USB interface version.
Revision 3
Yet another version of the digital electronics was developed for the new G3
series of CCD cameras with detectors up to 36 × 24 mm (digital electronics
board is the same for various models of the same series, individual models
differ in analog electronics, designed for every particular type of CCD). The
same electronic module was later reused also in G2 cameras and even later in
the even bigger G4 series. The third revision of G2 cameras was introduced.
The most prominent visual difference of revision three is the usage of
a single and slightly larger (and again slightly more quiet) cooling fan