MOON i-5080 Integrated Amplifier
Rear Panel Connections
Figure 2: Rear panel of Moon i-5080 Stereo Integrated amplifier
The rear panel looks similar to Figure 2 (above). There are six (6) pairs of single-ended inputs on RCA
connectors labeled CD, A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5. The left channel inputs are located on top and the
corresponding right channel inputs are located directly below. The A4 input, as previously mentioned,
bypasses the gain stage and is intended to be used with a component, such as a home theater
processor, that has its own volume/gain control.
The MOON i-5080 integrated amplifier has two pairs of non-amplified outputs; One single-ended pair
of RCA connectors labeled ‘Pre Out’, located next to the A4 input, is designated for output to a power
amplifier with single-ended RCA inputs in the event that you wish to use your MOON i-5080 as a
preamplifier. The output level of the ‘Pre Out’ is dependant on the volume control setting. A second
single-ended pair if RCA connectors labeled ‘Tape Out’, located next to the ‘Pre Out’ connectors, is
intended as an input to a recording device such as a cassette tape deck or CD-Recordable Player. Keep
in mind that the output level on the ‘Tape Out’ is fixed and cannot be adjusted by the i-5080’s volume
control. As well, don’t hesitate to use high quality interconnect cables. Poor quality interconnect cables
can degrade the overall sonic performance of your system.
You will notice that all RCA input and output connectors on the rear panel have been color coded:
‘white’ for the left channel and ‘red’ for the right channel.
On each side of the group of RCA connectors, there is a pair of binding posts. Connect your
loudspeakers, with the cables of your choice, to these binding posts. Take care to respect the polarity
(“+” , “-” ) of the output. Once again, don’t hesitate to use high quality speaker cables. Poor quality
speaker cables can degrade the overall sonic performance of your system.