MOON i-5080 Integrated Amplifier
Configuration ........................................... Stereo
Power Supply Transformer ........................ 0.5kVA
Power Supply Capacitance ........................ 40,000µF
Class Of Operation - Preamplifier ............... Class A
Class Of Operation - Amplifier .................... Class A/B
Single-ended inputs .................................. 6 (RCA)
Input Device Type - Preamplifier ................ J-FET
Input Sensitivity ...................................... 250mV – 3.0V RMS
Input Impedance ..................................... 12,000
Tape Output ............................................ 1 (RCA)
Preamplifier output .................................. 1 (RCA)
Output Device Type ................................... Bipolar – 4 per channel
Output Binding Posts ................................ 1 set per channel
Output Power @ 8
.................................. 80 Watts per channel
Output Power @ 4
.................................. 140 Watts per channel
Output Impedance .................................... 0.05
Damping Factor ........................................ > 160
Gain Control ............................................ RGB cs – “Shunt-To-Ground”
Gain ......................................................... 34dB
Dynamic Headroom .................................. 6dB
Signal-to-noise Ratio ................................ 95dB @ full power
Maximum Output Voltage .......................... 26 Volts
Slew Rate ................................................. 20V/µs
Maximum Current – Peak ......................... 20 amperes
Maximum Current – Continuous ................ 11 amperes
Frequency Response ................................ 10Hz - 80kHz +0/-3dB
Crosstalk @ 1kHz ..................................... -60dB
Intermodulation Distortion ....................... Unmeasureable
THD (20Hz - 20kHz @ 1 watt) ................. < 0.15%
Remote Control ....................................... All Aluminum Simple-Function
Optional Phono Section ............................. MOON IPS - external
AC Power Requirements ........................... 120V / 60Hz or 240V / 50Hz
Fuse Replacement - 120V ......................... 4A long fast blow (3AG type)
Fuse Replacement - 230V ......................... 2 long fast blow (3AG type)
Shipping Weight ...................................... 22 lb. / 10 Kg.
Dimensions (W x H x D, inches) ................ 17 x 3 x 15.5