PROGRAMMABLE PEDAL/ON DESTINATION is a function that allows the user to program
1 of 8 additional modulation destinations to be used when the DESTINATION switch for
the Pedal/On Mod Bus is set to LFO RATE/PGM. Enter EDIT mode, and use the +1 button
to highlight PGM PEDAL DEST. Press ENTER and the following Mod Destinations appear:
LFO Rate (default)
Filter Resonance
Filter Spacing
Osc. 1 Level
Osc. 2 Level
Osc. 3 Level
Noise Level
KEYBOARD MODES allows the user to select 1 of 4 types of keyboard priority for a
preset. Keyboard priority for a monophonic instrument determines what happens when
more than one key is depressed. Enter EDIT mode and use the +1 or –1 button to
highlight KEYBOARD MODES. Press ENTER and the current Keyboard Mode appears. Use
the +/-1 buttons to choose from one of the following options.
Lower Key (the lowest key pressed sounds)
Higher Key (the highest key pressed sounds)
Last Key (the most recent key pressed sounds)
1 Key Only (the first key pressed sounds)
TRIGGER MODES allows the user to select how the envelopes are triggered when
more than one key is pressed on the keyboard. Enter EDIT mode and use the +1 or –1
button to highlight TRIGGER MODES. Press ENTER – the screen will display the current
Trigger Mode. The +/- 1 button chooses a different option. The choices are:
Single Trigger (legato, envelopes aren’t retriggered until keys are fully released)
Multi Trigger (each time a new note sounds, the envelopes are triggered)
TOUCH SURFACE MEMORY is for allowing the last known X and Y parameters of the
touch surface to be held in memory after contact is no longer made with the touch
surface. This is for the X and Y signals used as the programmable Sources in the MOD
BUSSES. When this function is off, the X and Y values return to zero after contact with the
touch surface is no longer made.
INITIALIZE PARAMETERS is a function that allows the user to reset the current values of
the Voyager’s parameters to a basic sound which can be used as a starting point for
new sound development. Enter EDIT mode and use the +/- 1 buttons to highlight INIT.
PARAMETERS. Press the ENTER button and the screen will prompt “Load the default Init.
Parameters? Yes/No”. Use the cursor to select Yes and press ENTER. The parameters are
as follows: