Connect the power cable and video cable lines.
Attach dome assembly to coupling. Secure screws
Wire hook can be used as temporary support.
Secure safety screw (D) to housing mounting bracket
with plane washer (G) and lock washer (F).
3-5 Care and Maintenance
• The lower dome is an optical surface. When
cleaning the inner surface of the dome, handle
- 7 -
with extreme care.
• If debris and dust accumulates on the dome's
inner surface, remove with clean air pressure.
Compressed air cans are available for this use at
most photography supply stores.
• If the surface doesn't clean properly with
compressed air, use a nonabrasive cleaner that is
acceptable for use on acrylic. Do not use any
other type of cleaner. This may result in scratches
to the dome's surface.
For service of Panasonic/Videolarm equipment
Panasonic Technical Center
52 West Gude Dr.
Rockville, MD 20850-1150
Phone: (301) 762-5125/ Fax: (301) 251-0347
4. System Connection
Example 1
: Connect the coaxial cable between the
video output connector on the WV-CS404 and the
camera input connector on the WV-CU101.
Secure C
Video Monitor