Either opening the door/window to separate the magnet from
the sensor or removing the rear cover from the sensor will send a
signal to any association nodes according to the Status/Signal
Table (Notification V8 Type) and the LED will blink once.
Either closing the door/window to mate the sensor with the
magnet or closing the front and rear covers will send a signal
according to the Status/Signal Table (Notification V8 Type).
Under normal operation, the LED remains off.
If the cover of the sensor is removed, the LED will blink once and
a "Wake Up Notification" is sent after 10 seconds.
Note: If you are installing a complete Z-Wave® system for the first time,
refer to the installation guide of your Z-Wave Controller before
installing this sensor.
Put your controller into Inclusion Mode and follow its instructions for
adding the sensor. To put the sensor in Inclusion Mode, ensure that the
rear cover has been completely closed, then trigger the reed switch 3
times within 5 seconds to send the Node Information Frame (NIF). After
it sends the NIF, Z-Wave sends the auto inclusion message, otherwise
the sensor will go to sleep after 30 seconds.