Click the Plastic tab.
The Filament Diameter (mm) setting is very important
and must be set the filament's average diameter.
Because we are using the included sample PLA
filament, set Filament Diameter (mm) to 1.75.
Click the Extruder tab.
The Nozzle Diameter (mm) setting must be set to the
actual nozzle diameter, which on this printer is 0.4mm.
Click the Generate Gcode button.
You will be displayed an Acceleration Warning. Click
the OK button to clear the dialog. ReplicatorG will
then generate the GCode file.
Congratulations, you have just sliced a model and created your first GCode file! You can
now export this file to an SD card, for direct printing, or from within ReplicatorG by clicking
the Build button (leftmost button). We highly recommend exporting the file to an SD card,
as it ensures that PC or communications issues will not affect your print.