Custom Gcode allows for complex automatic printer movements and operations. By
adding custom Gcode into the start or end of your file, you can alter how it prints. A
comprehensive list of Gcode commands can at:
For now, ensure the Use default start/end gcode option is selected.
When enabled, the Print-O-Matic option allows you to modify specific settings.
Ensure that the Use Print-O-Matic (stepper extruders only) option is selected.
The Object infill (%) setting determines how much material is printed inside the
model. A setting of 0% would result in a completely hollow model, while 100%
would result in a solid model. For most models, we recommend a value between
10% and 40%, depending on the model complexity. For this simple model, set
Object infill (%) to 10%.
The Layer Height (mm) option determines the thickness of each printed layer. A
smaller value will require more time to print, but will have a smoother appearance,
while higher values will print quicker and will handle overhangs and bridges better,
but will have a rougher appearance. For this model, set Layer Height (mm) to 0.27.
The Number of shells value determines the thickness of the exterior walls. For this
model set Number of shells to 1.
The Feedrate (mm/s) setting determines the speed at which filament is fed into the
extruder and is usually set between 30 and 100. For ABS a value of 60 is best, while
for PLA a value of 100 is best. In this example we are printing PLA, so set Feedrate
(mm/s) to 100.
The Travel Feedrate determines the speed at which the print head moves over the
base and is usually set between 30 and 120. For ABS a value of 80 is best, while for
PLA a value of 120 is recommended. In this example we are printing PLA, so set
Travel Feedrate to 120.
The Print Temperature controls the nozzle temperature (°C) and is set to the
melting point of the filament being used. In this example we are printing PLA, so set
Print Temperature to 210.