Data Interface Statuses
Gateway data cache used
- This percentage represents the amount of internal flash mem
ory storage for holding sensor messages has been used out of the maximum (896 kB).
Messages sent from wireless sensors are stored temporarily in the gateway cache until a
data interface (i.e. Default Server, SNMP, Modbus, etc.) confirms the data has been stored
or transmitted elsewhere.
Status Table
- These status fields indicate the current operation status for each data inter
face. The Default Server field can contain “Off”, “Off due to Settings Error”, “On and Server
Error”, or “On”. The SNTP field can contain “Off”, “Off due to Settings Error”, “On and
Synced”, or “On”. The Modbus TCP field can contain “Off”, “Off due to Settings Error”, or
“On”. The SNMP field can contain “Off”, “Off due to Settings Error”, “On and Traps Ready”,
or “On”.
Wireless Sensor Network Status
This section list the number of gateways communicating with the server. A table below this
number shows the exact slot number and device identification number associated with the
gateway. There is a maximum of 256 available slots.
Ethernet Local Area Network Configuration
From the Local Area Network
Configuration tab, you can modify
settings for your IP address, Network
Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS
IP Address -
A unique number typically
formatted as XXX.XXX.XXX.X. It can
be dynamic, meaning the IP address is
constantly changing, or static, meaning
the IP address stays the same.
Router IP Address
- This is a unique
number identifying your router to the
default server.
Subnet Mask -
This number hides the
network half of an IP address. The most
common Subnet Mask number is
DNS Server -
DNS Servers take alphanumerical data (like a url address) and return the IP
address for the server containing the information you’re looking for.