Fig. 6
Your t ool is equipped w it h a 3-speed dial, w hich
allow s you t o blow t he w ood chips on t he t ablet op,
dry leaves on t he garden floor, and suck small debris
at a suit able w ind speed, t hereby enhancing t he
overall performance of t he t ool and helping t o avoid
excessive bat t ery consumpt ion.
a. The variable-speed dial is used t o adjust t he air
flow .
b. Turn t he dial t o increase or decrease t he speed.
Posit ion “ 1” select s t he slow est speed.
Posit ion “ 3” select s t he fast est speed.
c. Adjust t he air flow of t he blow er t o suit t he t ask
at hand.
d. As t he speed increases, t he bat t ery durat ion
e. The dial can be adjust ed on eit her side of t he
blow er housing.
Fig. 7,8
While w orking, alw ays hold t he blow er by t he
grip area(s).
To keep from scat t ering debris, blow around t he
out er edges of a debris pile. Never blow direct ly
int o t he cent er of a pile.
To reduce sound levels, limit t he number of
pieces of equipment used at any one t ime.
Use rakes and brooms t o loosen debris before
blow ing. In dust y condit ions, slight ly dampen
surfaces if w at er is available.
Conserve w at er by using pow er blow ers inst ead
of hoses for many law n and garden applicat ions,
including areas such as gut t ers, screens, pat ios,
grills, porches, and gardens.
Wat ch out for children, pet s, open w indow s, or
freshly w ashed cars, and blow debris safely
aw ay.
Aft er using blow ers or ot her equipment , clean
up! Dispose of debris properly.
W hen servicing, use only identical
replacement parts. Use of any
other parts could create a hazard or cause product
Periodically inspect t he ent ire product for damaged,
missing, or loose part s such as screw s, nut s, bolt s,
caps, et c. Tight en securely all fast eners and caps
and do not operat e t his product unt il all missing or
damaged part s are replaced. Please cont act
cust omer service or an aut horized service cent er for
assist ance.
To avoid serious personal injury,
alw ays remove the battery pack
from the tool w hen cleaning or performing any
Alw ays keep t ool clean (especially vent ilat ion
slot s).
Avoid using solvent s w hen cleaning plast ic part s.
M ost plast ics are suscept ible t o damage from
various t ypes of commercial solvent s and may
be damaged by t heir use.
Wipe t he surface w it h a dry clot h t o remove dirt ,
dust , oil, grease, et c.
Do not at any time let brake fluids,
products, penetrating oils, etc., come in contact
w ith plastic parts. Chemicals can damage, w eaken
or destroy plastic w hich may result in serious
personal injury.
Disconnect t he bat t ery pack.
Clean all foreign mat erial from t he air inlet s of
t he blow er.
St ore indoors in a place t hat is inaccessible t o
children. Keep aw ay from corrosive agent s, such
as garden chemicals and deicing salt s.
personnel may result in misplacing of internal w ires
and components w hich could cause serious hazard.
We recommend t hat all t ool service be performed by
a M OKENEYE Fact ory Service Cent er or Aut horized
M OKENEYE Service St at ion.