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We recommend flying over grass as it is
a much softer surface if a crash should
happen. Short grass is better for
take-offs and landings than high, since
high grass can cause the aircraft to
make a head-on / flip and damage. An
ideal flight area allows the launch and
landing on a smoother surface (like
asphalt) while the actual flying over
grass takes place.
Fly on spacious terrain, without obstacles
and thicket.
Never fly the airplane near highways, railways,
airports or airfields, residential areas, human
masses and / or high voltage lines.
PLEASE NOTE: The model should only be flown outside!
ATTENTION: This checklist is NOT a substitute for the exact passage of the contents in this
manual! Although it can be used as a quick start guide, we strongly recommend that you read
the instructions carefully before use.
- Always switch on the transmitter first
- Make sure the throttle stick is in the low position before the battery is connected.
-Brain the model to fly (by hand pushing or lifting off a flat / flat surface)
-Load the model on a flat / flat surface
- Remove the battery from the regulator
- Always switch the transmitter off
Until you can efficiently fly your model, you should always be supported by a second person at
hand start.
Your helper holds the model at the bottom of the fuselage. When both have signaled "ready",
move the throttle lever to full power. Your helper should take a few steps with the aircraft high
above the head, then throw the model quickly but controllably, either parallel to the ground or
with tip up. At first, the model will still rise gently, but within a few seconds it will also reach
enough speed to climb up high. Move the elevator to "up" (up) to establish the ascent.
Once you have reached a safe flight speed at a comfortable height (about 15 feet), use the
controls as necessary to make a gentle turn away from the runway.