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Please read and understand the warnings listed in this section. Make sure to read any and all warnings included
in the packaging with your battery, too. If used improperly, lithium polymer batteries can be very dangerous,
so please follow these warnings and suggestions at all times.
This product may explode or catch fire. Serious injury can result from misuse. Serious injury, loss of property, fire and death can result
from misuse of this product.
All instructions, warnings and cautions must be followed at all times. Failure to do so can lead to serious injury or fire.
Do NOT use this product before reading and understanding all directions and warnings.
Do NOT overcharge. Maximum voltage for each pack must be followed.
Do NOT over-discharge. NEVER discharge below minimum volts.
Do NOT discharge at a rate greater than the maximum continuous discharge.
Do NOT use or charge if the battery is hot.
ONLY use a charger made for Lithium Polymer batteries.
Do NOT charge at a rate higher than 1C. Example: if the battery’s rating is 340mAH, then the charger’s charge rate must be set at
340mAH or less.
Do NOT leave in direct sunlight or in a hot car or storage area.
Do NOT get wet or expose to moisture.
Do NOT short-circuit the battery.
ONLY discharge and charge the battery outdoors or in a firesafe container.
Do NOT charge with reverse polarity.
Do NOT leave the battery connected when not in use.
Do NOT operate or charge unattended.
Do NOT solder to the battery directly and do not get the battery hot in any way.
Do NOT use the product if you do not understand the warnings and proper use of the product.
Always let the battery cool and "rest" between uses and charging.
To avoid over-discharging, only use a speed control that is made for LiPO batteries.
We recommend the use of a firesafe container when charging or storing.
Do NOT charge inside your car or inside your house.
Inspect the battery before each use for swelling or other malformation. If the cell has ballooned, it MUST be discarded.
Set the charger to 1C (charge at 1/2C or less for the first 5 cycles).
Check polarity and then connect battery to charger.
In use, do not over-discharge or exceed maximum discharge.
When handling the battery, remember not to poke, bend or damage the cells. The cell's outer casing is soft and can be damaged.
Remember, the cells must never exceed 71º Celcius (160º Fahrenheit) for any reason.
liThiuM PolyMer bATTery WArNiNGS - PleASe reAD
WArNiNGS AND SAFeTy PreCAuTioNS For All brANDS oF liThiuM PolyMer bATTerieS
ChArGiNG WArNiNGS AND PreCAuTioNS For All brANDS oF liThiuM PolyMer bATTerieS
3-1/4" (83MM) BACk FROM The leADIng eDge OF The WIng, MeASuReD AT The FuSelAge SIDeS
It is critical that your aircraft be balanced correctly. Incorrectly balancing your aircraft can cause your aircraft to lose
control and crash!
Once you have flown and become familiar with the flight characteristics of the aircraft, the C/G can be moved fore or aft to change
the flight performance. Moving the C/G back will cause the aircraft to be more responsive and aerobatic, but less stable. Moving the C/G
forward will cause the aircraft to be more stable, but less responsive.
the c/g range is 2-3/4" - 3-3/4" (70mm - 95mm) back From the leading edge oF the wing. do not balance the
aircraFt FUrther than 3-3/4" (95mm) behind the leading edge oF the wing or an Uncontrollable crash
coUld resUlt!
Place your fingers on the bottom of the wing at the C/G location and carefully lift the airplane. If the nose of the airplane drops, the
airplane is nose heavy. To correct this, move the battery and/or receiver back far enough to bring the airplane into balance. If the tail of
the airplane drops, the airplane is tail heavy. To correct this, move the battery and/or receiver forward far enough to bring the airplane
into balance. When balanced correctly, the airplane should sit level or slightly nose down when you lift it up with your fingers at the
C/G location.
Balance the airplane with the fuel tank
empty or the liPo battery installed (if using a brushless electric motor).
CoNTrol ThroWS
Ailerons: 1/2" (13mm) up and 1/2" (13mm) Down
elevator: 1/2" (13mm) up and 1/2" (13mm) Down
rudder: 3/4" (19mm) right and 3/4" (19mm) left
Down as Much as Possible
measUred From the widest point
oF the control sUrFaces
We recommend initially setting up the aircraft using the Test Flying control throws. These control throws are suggested for initial test
flying because they will allow the aircraft to fly smoother and make it easier to control. For sport flying and aerobatics, increase the
control throws by 1/8" (3mm) at a time until you're satisfied with the result, but only AFTER you've become familiar with the flight
characteristics of the aircraft using the Test Flying control throws.
After you are finished adjusting the control throws, we strongly suggest installing 3/8" (10mm) long pieces of silicone
tubing over the clevises and snap-keepers to keep them from coming open during flight.
Lateral balancing will make the airplane's controls easier to trim and will make the airplane track straighter in the air.
Turn the airplane
upside down
and loop one length of string around the propeller shaft, then loop a second length of string around
the tail wheel wire.
With someone helping you, carefully lift the airplane up by the two lengths of string. Watch how the wing reacts. If one side of the
wing drops, that side is heavier than the other. To correct this condition, stick a small piece of self-adhesive lead weight to the bottom of
the lighter wing half (the one that doesn't drop). For best mechanical advantage, place the weight as close to the wing tip as possible,
but make sure to apply the lead weight to a solid portion of the wing structure so that it can't rip off during flight.
Repeat the procedure a couple of more times to double-check your findings. When done properly the wing should stay level when
you lift the airplane.