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Allow the C/A to dry for about 15 minutes, then pivot the flap down several times to free up the hinges.
Check the integrity of the hinges after the C/A fully cures by gently pulling on the flap. If one or more hinges feels loose,
apply more C/A to the hinge(s) and allow it to completely cure. The last thing you want is for a hinge to come loose during flight.
Repeat the previous procedures to hinge the flap to the second wing panel.
STeP 3: iNSTAlliNG The AileroN AND FlAP SerVoS
Working with one wing panel for now, cut away the covering material from
over the aileron servo mounting hole. The servo mounting hole is located
20-3/4" (527mm) out from the root edge of the wing panel and 2-1/2" (64mm)
in front of the aileron hinge line.
Cut away the covering material from over the servo lead exit hole in the
bottom of the wing panel. The servo lead exit hole is located at the root end of
the wing panel, 6-1/4" (159mm) in front of the trailing edge.
Plug one 12" (305mm) servo extension onto the aileron servo lead.
To prevent the plugs from pulling apart during assembly, or worse, during
flight, secure the plugs together, using a short piece of 3/8" (10mm) diameter
heat-shrink tubing (not included). Use a heat gun to shrink the tubing.
Cut away the covering material from over the flap servo mounting hole.
The servo mounting hole is located 7-3/4" (197mm) out from the root edge of
the wing panel and 2-1/2" (64mm) in front of the flap hinge line.
Install the rubber grommets and brass collets onto one aileron servo, making sure to install the collets with the flanges toward the
of the servo.
Run the aileron servo extension lead through the guide tube in the front of
the aileron servo mounting hole and out through the servo lead exit hole.
You will need to run the aileron servo lead through the flap
servo opening and into the separate guide tube at the front of the flap servo
mounting hole.
STeP 2: iNSTAlliNG The AileroN PuShroD ASSeMblieS
Cut away all but one arm from a "4-point" servo horn, then enlarge the hole that is 1/2" (13mm) out from the centre of the servo horn,
using a 5/64" (2mm) diameter drill bit.
Install the 90º bend in one pushrod wire into the hole that you enlarged in
the servo arm, using one snap-keeper.
The pushrod wire should be orientated on top of the servo arm.
Use a couple of pieces of masking tape, taped between one aileron and the wing panel, to hold the aileron centred.
Centre the aileron servo, then install the servo horn onto the servo, making
sure that the servo horn is centred and
pointing out
toward the wing tip.
With both the servo horn and the aileron centred, thread one clevis onto
the pushrod wire and snap the clevis into the
fourth hole out
from the base
of the control horn.
STeP 3: iNSTAlliNG The FlAP CoNTrol horNS AND PuShroD ASSeMblieS
So that both flaps move together when raised and lowered, it's important that the two flap servo horns point the same
direction (i.e., both servo horns should point to the right). This also means that the two flap control horns will be located in different
positions on each flap. If the control linkages are installed with the two flap servo horns pointing opposite each other (like the ailerons),
each flap will move in a different direction when raised and lowered.
Install the flap control horn and pushrod assembly on the left wing panel,
using the same techniques that you used to install the aileron control horns
and pushrod assemblies.
The servo horn should point toward the wing tip and the
control horn should be 5-1/2" (140mm) out from the inboard edge of the flap
(measured at the hinge line).
Install the flap control horn and pushrod assembly on the right wing panel,
using the same techniques that you used to install the flap control horn and
pushrod assembly on the left wing panel.
The servo horn should point toward the root end of the wing
panel and the control horn should be 4-38" (111mm) out from the inboard
edge of the flap (measured at the hinge line).
Cut away all but one arm from two "4-point" servo horns, then enlarge the hole that is 1/2" (13mm) out from the centre of each servo
horn, using a 5/64" (2mm) diameter drill bit.
Install the servo horn retaining screw to secure the servo horn to the servo.
Remove the masking tape and double-check that both the servo horn and the aileron are still centred. If necessary, thread the
clevis in or out to centre the aileron, then move the aileron up and down several times to ensure proper movement.
Repeat the previous procedures to install the second aileron pushrod assembly onto the other wing panel.