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Install the control horn and backplate, using two M2 x 20mm machine
screws, then use wire cutters to cut the top of the screws off flush with
the control horn backplate.
Repeat the previous procedures to install the second control horn onto the
other elevator half.
STeP 3: iNSTAlliNG The eleVATor PuShroD ASSeMbly
Slide the two wheel collars over the longer pushrod, then install the 90º bend
in the pushrod wire into the hole that you enlarged in the servo arm, using one
The pushrod wire should be orientated on top of the servo arm.
Cut away all but one arm from a "4-point" servo horn, then enlarge the hole that is 1/2" (13mm) out from the centre of the servo horn,
using a 5/64" (2mm) diameter drill bit.
When you install the grub screws in the next procedure, first apply thread locking compound to the threads to ensure
that the grub screws don't loosen during flight.
Carefully slide the pushrod wires into the elevator pushrod wire guide
Centre the elevator servo and install the servo horn onto the servo,
making sure that the servo horn is centred and points toward the centre of the
Install the servo horn retaining screw to secure the servo horn to the servo.
Use a couple of pieces of masking tape, taped between the elevator halves
and the stabiliser, to hold the elevator halves centred.
Thread one clevis onto each pushrod wire, then snap the clevises into the
fourth hole out
from the base of the control horns.
Remove the masking tape and double-check that both the elevator servo horn and the elevator halves are still centred. If necessary,
thread the clevises in or out to centre the elevator halves, then move the elevator halves up and down several times to ensure proper
movement. Both elevator halves should be even with each other and they should both produce the same amount of control throw
throughout the entire up and down deflection range.
Slide the plain end of the shorter pushrod wire through the two wheel collars.
Adjust the shorter pushrod wire so that the threaded end of both pushrod
wires are even with each other, then install and tighten the grub screw in each
wheel collar to secure the two pushrod wires together.
When tightening the grub screws, make sure that the two
pushrod wires stay flat and don't twist up.
Cut away the covering material from over the top and bottom of the
vertical stabiliser mounting slot in the leading edge of the horizontal stabiliser.
The mounting slot is 1/4" (6mm) wide and 1" (25mm) long.
Slide the stabiliser into the mounting slot and temporarily align it. The trailing
edge should be even with the back edge of the fuselage and the centreline
mark you drew should be centred between the sides of the fuselage.
When satisfied with the alignment, hold
the trailing edge of the
stabiliser in position using a T-Pin.
The front of the stabiliser should be able to pivot from side to side and the back should stay firmly in place and aligned.
The trailing edge should not be allowed to move from side to side.
With the wing mounted to the fuselage, use a ruler to measure the distance
between the tips of the stabiliser and the tips of the wing. Pivot the front of the
stabiliser until both of these measurements are equal.
When both of these measurements are equal, you're assured that the
stabiliser is square to the wing.
When you're satisfied that the stabiliser is square to the wing, use a T-Pin
to hold the front of the stabiliser firmly in place and aligned.
Remove the elevator halves and hinges from the horizontal stabiliser and set them aside for now.
Measure and draw a centreline mark on the trailing edge of the stabiliser.
The top of the stabiliser has the red covering on the tips. Make sure that when you install the stabiliser in the next
procedure below that the red tips are toward the top of the fuselage.