2.3 Stringing a Fuselage Frame
Frame 5, behind the cockpit also has a canvas panel that is simulated here with a piece of
photo etched aluminum, the Cockpit Rear Wall (FP2). To make it look like canvas, relieve the
surface at 45deg angle with 120 sand paper and then paint tan. Optionally, without sanding,
take a fairly dry brush and streak the paint at 45 deg. After it dries repeat along the other
Stitch the Rear Cockpit Wall to Frame 5 as shown in Figure 2.4 using the rigging thread. This is
best done in two halves starting at the center bottom and meeting at the top. Then adjust the
tension in the threads until the panel is centered. Glue the ends of the threads together.
Figure 2.4 Frame 5 with Cockpit Rear Wall
Assemble the engine mount
The engine mount is made from two parts FC2a and FC2b shown aligned in Figure 2.5. These
are epoxied together. Two of the legs on FC2b are shorter than the other two. They go toward
the bottom (the flat side) of FC2a. Be sure the center holes for the engine align and that the two
surfaces are parallel. Best to epoxy the two bottom (shorter legs) first and then the two top legs.