46 / 108
6.5.15 Manual time set / Leap second
DTS 4132.timeserver Moser-Baer AG
1 Set time (UTC)
2 Adjust time
3 Leap second mode 0
4 Leap second date (UTC) 00:00:00 01.07.15
98 Return and save
99 Return and discard changes
Enter desired menu number>
Path: 2 Configuration
2 Time handling
5 Manual time adjustment / leap second
1. Set UTC time in the format “hh:mm:ss DD.MM.YY“.
Time is set with ENTER!
2. Correct time in ms (- = backwards). Range: +/-10'000ms
Time is set with ENTER!
3. Leap second mode:
Additional second will be inserted at entered time
Is set to 0=off after inserting the leap second.
Second will be left out at entered time
Is set to 0=off after inserting the leap second.
Recognize leap second automatically. Only possible with a source with leap
second announcement!
4. Set UTC time of leap second in format: “hh:mm:ss DD.MM.YY“
For a description of the leap second, see chapter “8.8 Leap second“
6.5.16 Alarms
Under alarms, settings can be undertaken for the following functions:
Alarm relay
see chapter 6.5.17
see chapter 6.5.19
SNMP traps
see chapter 6.5.20
Alarm input
see chapter 6.5.21