How to play:
1 assembled Round Net set and ball
4 players (two teams of two)
Beach, backyard or playground or school
Two teams of Two (four total). Each team starts on opposite
sides of the net. Standing at least 5 feet from the net, Team One
serves by tossing the ball in the air, and spiking
it down on the net towards Team Two. Team Two has up to 3 hits
(i.e., 'sets' in volleyball) between them before they must spike it back
on the net. (Note: You do NOT have to use all 3 hits. ) This continues
as a volley until one team cannot return the ball. Use rally scoring to
21. To determine who serves first, teams should
volley for serve.
Once the ball is in play, there are no longer "sides".
Players can run anywhere they want. Teams switch serving sides
once a team reaches 11 points.
1st team to 21 wins (must win by two points). Use rally scoring. If
your teams served, and the other team cannot return your shot,
won a point.
To avoid contact, the opposing team must always try to get out of
the way of the 'hitting' team. If someone is in the way, it's called a
'hinder' and the point is to be replayed.
If your shot hits the rim, it's called a 'Rimmer' and the other team
gets a point.
If your shot hits a 'pocket' (a shot that sort of hits the rim and sort
of hits the net) you keep playing the point. If there is disagreement
as to whether it was a 'Rimmer' or a 'Pocket', you should replay
the point.
If the ball does not bounce off the net with a single bounce, it is
the other team's point. It must clear the rim to be good.
Body shots are legal. You cannot keep juggling the ball w your
feet or hit it numerous times on your body. 1 body shot and then
it must go to your partner or on the net. This rule has caused quite
a bit of controversy on the Round Net Game circuit. Proceed at