©Newport Corporation
MKS Spectra-Physics Confidential
When the system Arrives
When the system arrives, any sign of damage to the shipping crates should be brought
to the attention of the delivering freight company. A claim must be filed with that
commercial carrier (usually within 30 days). Notify the originating Spectra-Physics office
of any shipping damage. Shipping damage is not covered by Spectra-Physics.
Your packing list will show all items that you have ordered. Open all the packages and
check each item for possible damage during shipping. Check the items against your
packing list. Some items may have been installed at the factory.
Each system comes with a manual; verify that you have received this item.
Please report any missing or damaged items to Spectra-Physics, or you may contact your
Spectra- Physics Sales Engineer.
Review Instruction Manuals
Please read the manual to get vital information about your system. Familiarize yourself
with the system. You are encouraged to spend as much time as possible reviewing the
system components before your Spectra-Physics Service Engineer arrives for the
installation and training.
Laser Safety Considerations
In addition to reviewing the sections in the manual regarding laser safety; be sure to have
the proper safety glasses available for ALL lab personnel present during the installation
and testing of your system. For more information, please call Spectra- Physics at 1-800-
During the course of installation, power measurements will be demonstrated on all of
the appropriate wavelengths. Your Service Engineer can identify which specifications
will be demonstrated and the equipment necessary to conduct such tests. A non-
standard system will require special consideration.
To have other published specifications demonstrated, consult with your Service Engineer
to determine whether additional diagnostic equipment will be required.