Communication Protocol Manual
– p/n 20018109-001 Rev. B
Firmware Update
The “Application” firmware and SII is updated using FoE as described in ETG.5003.2.
A high-level procedure is:
Go to EtherCAT INIT State
Go to EtherCAT BOOT State
Download Firmware/SII image from MKS using FoE Protocol
Go to EtherCAT INIT State
Go to EtherCAT PREOP State
Verify new firmware version by reading CoE Object 0x0100A
Specific procedures for updating firmware is different for each EtherCAT Master.
The SII is updated during the INIT->BOOT transition. At this time, the ESC is held in reset to prevent the
EtherCAT Master from taking ownership of the SII.
This results in “losing” the Slave from the bus. It is expected
that the EtherCAT Master will rediscover and provision the Slave after the ESC comes out of reset.
The “Bootloader” firmware can only be updated at the Factory
Uploading the “Application” firmware is not supported
ESC is reset during SII upgrade
EtherCAT State Machine
Check the AL Status Code and refer to Table 25 when the state machine is in an error state.
Often, the AL Status code gives insight into the next troubleshooting step.
Severe electrical interference may cause communication loss resulting in an error state. It is
expected that the Master will evaluate this error, clear the error, and try to go the desired
EtherCAT State over a timeout period before reporting a severe error to the rest of the system.
This behavior allows the system to recover.
Checking for Errors
for diagnosing and mitigating errors)
The error status of Slave should be periodically checked to verify correct operation. This is done
by reading CoE Object 0xF380 and 0xF383:n (n is the sub-index representing a module). In
particular, an “Electronics Failure” may indicate an erroneous pressure reading.
The pressure will be reported as IEEE-754 “NaN” if the pressure is unknown. More details about
the error may be reported in CoE Object 0xF383:n (n is the sub-index representing a module).
Examples for Common Activities
Poll Current Pressure
In most applications, the best way to get pressure is through Process Data Objects (see Process Data Objects).
The default PDO mapping provides both the Combination and Differential Pressure as single-precision IEEE-754-
encoded values. Most Masters provide a high-level interface for reading these values.
Also in the def
ault PDO mapping are “Reading Valid” indications. These indicate if the pressure reading is valid.