Communication Protocol Manual
– p/n 20018109-001 Rev. B
Trip Points
The 390 uses relays for process control. Each Trip Point can activate the relay upon increasing or decreasing vacuum or differential pressure.
NOTE: Trip points cannot be configured to activate on increasing AND decreasing pressure. Only, increasing OR decreasing pressure.
For example, if the High Trip Point is Enabled (0x800E/F:01=1), the Trip Point will activate if the pressure p is greater than the Trip Point Limit P1
(0x800E/F:11). The Trip Point will switch from Active to Inactive if the pressure p is less than the Trip Point Limit P2 (0x800E/F:11
– 0x800E/F:17).
Sensor Warnings and Errors
Each sensor has detailed warnings and errors in accordance with ETG5003.2080 as shown in Output Data of Modules. Table 15 lists those warnings and
errors with specific notes for the 390.
Each bit represents a particular warning or error. A value of 1 indicates the warning/error is active (or
active for Latched Warnings/Errors).