selected, which deactivates the protection.
5.7 - Automatic, permanent manual or momen-
tary manual operation
Using the [SET] button, in normal operating condi-
tions and with a backlit display, therefore outside the
programming procedure, the chronothermostat swi-
tches between automatic operation (indicated on the
display by the icon ) and manual operation (indica-
ted on the display by the icon ).
Automatic operation: the thermostat follows the pre-
viously set band programming, making them alter-
nate cyclically and ensuring the maintenance of the
different temperatures set at the different times of the
day and week.
Manual operation: the chronothermostat ensures
that a constant temperature is maintained, which can
be adjusted using the [+] and [-] buttons, without the
settings of the different bands intervening to control
the boiler. The previous chapter 5.4 describes how to
make manual programming permanent.
During automatic operation, using the [+] and [-]
buttons, it is still possible to modify the temperatu-
re of the current band, limited to the duration of the
band itself, at the end of which the next band and