NW0504 Rev. D
7.7 Selection Of Head Support Method
7.7.1 Prior to the patient transfer, the surgeon should select the desired method
of support for the patient’s head. The chosen method determines the next
step of preparation.
Five (5) options are available:
Support the patient’s head using a GentleTouch
pillow, such as the one
provided in the patient care kit (Mizuho OSI P/N 5808), in conjunction with
the head support plate. This pillow is available separately as (Mizuho OSI
P/N 1937 or 1927) (see Figure 39). Once removed from the patient care
kit, this pillow requires 20 minutes for complete expansion.
Figure 39:
GentleTouch® prone pillow
Use skull tongs or horseshoe headrest in conjunction with the Mizuho OSI
(5979-1) Cervical Management Base Unit (see Figure 40).
Figure 40
: Skull tongs attached to the Cervical Management Base Unit
Cervical Management Base Unit
Skull tongs