T9901105-1-1 UK
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Thermoscreens / Mitsubishi Electric
Mr Slim HX2-S/M Heat Pump Air Curtain
Inlet Air Temperature Control
Room Air Temperature Control
Air Curtain is modified during commissioning to operate on these control modes
The Mr Slim HX2 Heat Pump Air Curtain System consists of :-
a Thermoscreens 'HX2-S/M Air Curtain' fitted with a Mitsubishi Electric PAC-IF010B-E
Interface PCB *
a Mitsubishi Electric 'Mr Slim Outdoor Unit' **
a Mitsubishi Electric 'PAR-31MAA Remote Controller' for manual control by the
occupant of inlet air temperature control or room air temperature control **
a door switch to change fan speeds; higher speed when the door is open, lower speed
when the door is shut ***
a Thermoscreens ‘Remote 3-Speed Fan Switch’ (if end user requires this) *
* - supplied by Thermoscreens Ltd.
** - Mitsubishi Electric items supplied by the installer
*** - supplied by the installer
Refrigeration pipework
Electrical cables
Control cables
BMS Control
Heat Pump
Air Curtain
Mitsubishi Electric
Mr Slim Outdoor Unit
Permanent electrical supply
(from local switched spur)
BMS Control
Interface Board
Mode change
Capacity control
Temperature monitoring
Mitsubishi error
3-Speed Fan
(if end user
requires this)
Door Switch to change fan speeds,
Door open - High; Door shut - Low
(industry standard fan speed control)
Mitsubishi Electric
Remote Controller
S2, S3 communication
link with outdoor unit
Permanent electrical supply (from local switched spur)
1-phase for air curtain as supplied,
3-phase only if defrost cycle auxiliary heater is needed
(site change then required to air curtain)
(S1 is not used)