9.5 Air-conditioning Charge Basic Setting
Set the air-conditioning charge basic setting
1) Select air-conditioning charge basic setting
When the Charge set button at the button right-hand side of the screen is
clicked, the Charge set screen opens.
Basic setting contents
- Currency Unit:
Current unit setting
- Air-con charge:
Within a time yes/no, within a time setting, Electric
use unit price, holiday setting, etc.
- Standard charge: Block and watt hour meter standard charge setting
2) Select the setting function
When one of the three buttons above at the top left-hand side of the
screen is clicked, the respective set screen is displayed.
3) Select OK or Cancel
At the end of basic setting, click the OK button.
Accepts the changes and returns to the Air-conditioning ener-
gy monitoring screen.
Cancel: Ignore the changes and returns to the Air-conditioning energy
monitoring screen.
9.6 Recalculate the Air-conditioning Charge
Recalculate the air-conditioning charge
This function recalculates the air-conditioning charge for one month based on
the Apportioning electric power already calculated.
When the maintenance function was used to correct the Apportioning electric
power, use this function to recalculate the air-conditioning charge.
1) Select recalculation
When the Recalculate button at the bottom right-hand side of the screen
is clicked, the recalculation screen opens.
2) Select the recalculation month
Click the month to be recalculated.
3) Select OK or Cancel
After specifying the recalculation month, click the OK button.
Accepts the setting and recalculates the air-conditioning
charge for the specified month and reflects the recalculated
charge at the Air-conditioning energy monitoring screen.
Cancel: Rejects the setting and returns to the Air-conditioning energy
monitoring screen.
- For a detailed description of the setting method, etc. of this function, see section 5.2.1 Charge setting.
- For WHM connection, the Standard charge setting function cannot be used.
- For a description of the Apportioning electric power correction method, refer to Site Adjustment manual section “9.2
Maintenance of charge date”.
- The underlined Output type set screen is used in common with other functions.
For more information, see par. “9.3 (5) Output type Setting”.
- For Without WHM connection, this function cannot be used.
Maintenance Tip
- Use this function (under stop charge) only when Make crankcase heater portion common expense (make under stop
charge) was selected by charge setting Charge proportional division method selection.
(For a description of Charge proportional division method selection, refer to Site Adjustment manual section “8.7 Charge
System Setting”.)
Electric power under stop
Outdoor unit electric power under stop = outdoor unit crankcase heater capacity(W)
24 hours