Check that each air supply/exhaust pipe
A catches on all four prongs of its pipe
mounting plate. (If a prong has not caught,
the pipe will press against the back of
the Lossnay unit and the shutter may not
operate properly.)
4) If the wall is more than 300 mm thick
Cut air supply/exhaust pipes B in keeping with
the cutting dimensions of step 2 (wall thickness
+ 30 to 40 mm).
Securely screw air supply/exhaust pipes A
and B together all the way.(If they are not
screwed together tightly, water infiltration
may occur.)
Caulk the connections between air supply/
exhaust pipes A and B as shown above.
Attaching the mounting plate
1) Attach the mounting plate to the wall
provisionally using a single loosely attached
2) Hang a plumb bob to make sure that the
loosely attached mounting plate is horizontal
(to within 1°).
3) Attach eight wood screws at locations where
the wall contains reinforcing material.
Attach the two locations near the catches
underneath the catches.(See diagram above.)
To attach the plate to a concrete wall, use off-
the-shelf concrete screws.
Air supply/
exhaust pipe B
Air supply/exhaust
pipe B
Air supply/
exhaust pipe A
Air supply/exhaust pipe A
Attach under
the catches
Mounting plate
Plumb bob
Wood screw
Wood screw (loosely attached screw)
Cutting air supply/exhaust pipes
1) Measure the wall thickness.
(If the wall is more than 300 mm thick, use
the provided air supply/exhaust pipe B). (See
page 4, section 4, for mounting instructions.)
2) Cut air supply/exhaust pipes A perpendicular
to the pipe axis at the length shown in the
figure above.
- If the pipe is longer than it is shown, the
weather cover will not fit.
3) Prepare the air supply/exhaust pipes.
Insert each air supply/exhaust pipe A
into a pipe mounting plate and rotate it
counterclockwise until the four prongs catch.
Mount air supply/exhaust pipes A so that
the UNDER mark is at the bottom. After
mounting the pipes, check that they slope
downward as they go outside. (If they do
not, rainwater may infiltrate the wall and the
shutter may not operate properly.)
Cut perpendicular to the
(Dimension at top of pipe)
Cut length
Air supply/
exhaust pipe A
Cut on this side
30 to 40 mm
Air supply/exhaust
pipe A
Pipe mounting
Before setting in place
UNDER mark
UNDER mark
After setting in place
Air supply/exhaust
pipe A