W e l c o m e
FT1200 HANDBOOK 1/11
The Microsoft Create System Disks utility or the Disk Maker
utility (Windows NT) allows you to create installation
diskettes from disk images pre-installed on the hard disk.
To back up other pre-installed software (and your own files)
use the Backup tool in Windows. You could also use other
software backup utilities supplied with optional hardware you
may have chosen, such as a DAT tape drive.
In general, any copy you make of pre-installed software must be
used only as a back-up copy, in case the pre-installed version is lost.
You are
allowed to use installation diskettes created from disk
images to install the software onto another computer.
Apart from any possible infringment of copyright, the software may
be configured for unique features built into your computer. They
may not work or may cause serious problems on another system.
Improving your display settings
Your pre-installed copy of Windows is configured for a standard
monitor setting (640 x 480 pixels in a maximum of 16 different
colours), so that Windows is sure to display correctly whatever
monitor you have.
Most modern monitors, including Mitsubishi Electric monitors, can
display higher resolutions than standard VGA. You can change the
setting to one that more closely matches your own monitor, to get
the best performance from it.
Display settings in Windows NT
The monitor setting is changed by using the Settings tab of the
Display Properties dialog. See Windows
Help for instructions on
changing display settings.
To view the Display Properties dialog, right-click with the mouse while
pointing at the background area of the Windows desktop, then select
Properties from the pop-up menu.