The VAPR System offers four bipolar modes of operation: Vaporization, Desiccation, Blended
Vaporization and desiccation with temperature indication.
• In the Vaporization mode of operation, high frequency power is delivered from the
VAPR Generator to the Electrode tip. At specific threshold power levels, a vapor
pocket, characterized by an orange glow, is created around the active electrode. Arcs
within the vapor pocket produce vaporization of tissue entering the vapor pocket.
• The Vaporization power threshold for a particular VAPR Electrode is automatically set
as a default by connecting the Electrode, via the Handpiece, to the Generator. The
default setting for each Electrode type is the optimal power required to produce the
desired tissue effect. As an inherent safety feature, the VAPR System is designed to
minimize the power required to sustain the vapor pocket around the active electrode.
• In the Desiccation mode of operation, the VAPR Generator delivers high frequency
power to the active electrode to cause tissue desiccation and coagulation without
sparking or cutting. The Desiccation power level is also automatically set as a default
for each style of Electrode.
• The Blended Vaporization mode of operation provides tissue vaporization combined
with hemostasis. Certain Electrode styles will automatically default to a Blended
Vaporization mode.
• In the Desiccation Mode with temperature indication (only available with the
VAPR Temperature Control (TC) electrodes), the tip temperature is set as a default,
along with a power level. The VAPR System will monitor the actual tip temperature
while activating, automatically adjusting the power to maintain the tip temperature at
the set temperature.
The Temperature Control system will only automatically adjust the power up to the limit of the
current displayed desiccate power level.
fIGURe 2
electrode shaft
active tip
vapor pocket