attach
live
ejection
charges
with
the
altimeter
powered
Always
connect
live
ejection
charges
with
the
altimeter
powered
Always
pre
‐
measure
your
deployment
charge
matches
or
igniters
for
a
nominal
resistance
and
verify
they
are
not
shorted.
nominal
resistance
for
a
low
current
device
should
be
in
the
range
of
to
ohms.
At
the
Pad
At
the
launch
pad,
begin
by
placing
your
rocket
on
the
pad/rail,
and
raising
the
rocket
to
the
vertical
(launch)
position.
Do
not
install
the
igniter
at
this
time.
Before
you
arm
the
altimeter,
have
bystanders
remove
themselves
to
a
safe
distance
where
they
will
not
be
injured,
should
the
ejection
charges
fire
prematurely.
Turn
on
the
arming
switch
for
the
altimeter,
and
listen
for
the
startup
sequence.
The
altimeter
startup
sequence
is
as
follows
:
1.
second
long
beep
(init
mode)
2.
second
baro
history
init
time
(silence)
3.
Settings
beep
(when
enabled)
or
fault
code
beep
(if
a
fault,
see
fault
codes
)
4.
second
launch
commit
test
time
(silence)
5.
Launch
Detect
mode
(continuity
beeps)
a.
long
beep
indicates
no
continuity
on
any
event
terminal.
b.
One
short
beep
indicates
continuity
on
only
the
drogue
terminal.
c.
Two
short
beeps
indicate
continuity
on
only
the
main
terminal.
d.
Three
short
beeps
indicate
continuity
on
the
main
and
drogue
terminals.
Assuming
the
altimeter
beeps
out
the
expected
continuity
status,
your
altimeter
is
ready
for
launch.
At
this
point,
you
should
install
the
igniter,
connect
the
igniter
leads,
and
leave
the
area.
Should
there
be
a
need
to
remove
the
rocket
from
the
pad,
or
otherwise
change
its
position,
begin
by
disconnecting
and
removing
the
igniter.
Then,
turn
off
the
arming
switch
for
the
altimeter,
and
wait
a
minimum
of
seconds
after
the
altimeter
stops
beeping
before
moving
the
rocket.
Analyzing
Your
Flight
After
your
flight,
the
altimeter
will
beep/flash
out
your
peak
altitude
using
a
"per
digit"
method.
For
example,
let's
say
your
rocket
flew
to
a
peak
altitude
of
2,340
feet.
You'd
hear
the
following
beep
sequence:
beep
‐
beep
(2),
short
pause
beep
‐
beep
‐
beep
(3),
short
pause
beep
‐
beep
‐
beep
‐
beep
(4),
short
pause
beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
(0),
short
pause