NV5256 Machine Control Router • User’s Guide
4. Configuration
UniConfig—Stage 2
If the ports’ physical level were designated machine control forward, port 3 (the output) would
be the controlled device, and port 10 (the input) would be the controlling device.
4 It is not possible to write any of this to the NV5256 control card, because these takes are not
part of its configuration.
During normal operation, users perform NV5256 takes at NV9000 control panels and automa-
tion systems can perform takes using one of the router’s serial connections.
If you chose to perform takes in UniConfig using a serial connection, the port status window shows
the information is a somewhat less “elegant” format:
There is no “LPR” status, and the “tristate,” “controlled,” and “controlling” states are rendered as
bit patterns.