| Kaleido-Solo
Control - Normalization
Select whether level and loudness normalization are applied to the downmix results
Downmix output level is not normalized. Clipping may occur depending on the input channel
levels and the selected mix levels.
Level A (lvl)
Downmix output level is normalized based on the applied mix levels to provide a uniform output
over the range of mix levels available. Clipping will never occur, even with full scale input
channels and mix levels.
Level B (lvl+loud)
Downmix output level is normalized based on the channel configuration to provide a uniform
output loudness between 3/2 and 2/0 programs. Downmixing a 3/2 program produces a
loudness attenuation compared to the same program in 2/0 at the same input loudness. To
provide a uniform output loudness, a loudness attenuation is applied only on 2/0 programs. If the
operating mode is Follow Metadata, the channel configuration is given by the AC-3 coding mode
parameter in the metadata. If the operating mode is Manual, the channel configuration is given
by the selected mix levels: a 2/0 channel configuration is achieved by setting Center, Surround,
and LFE Mix Levels to Mute. Any other combination of mix levels is assumed to be a 3/2 channel
configuration. Level-B normalization also includes Level-A normalization, based on the applied
mix levels. Clipping will never occur, even with full scale input channels and mix levels.
Control - LFE Mix Level
Set the level of the contribution of the LFE channel to the downmixed signal.
+10 dB
+9 dB
+7.5 dB
+6 dB
+4.5 dB
+3 dB
+1.5 dB
The input level is boosted.
0 dB
The input level is unchanged.
-1.5 dB
-3 dB
-4.5 dB
-6 dB
The input level is reduced.
LFE is not used in the downmix.
This gain is always applied to LFE even if the operation mode is set to follow metadata because there is no such
information in the metadata.