Kaleido-Solo |
5.4.3 Audio - Downmix
The Kaleido-Solo provides two channels of audio output. If the input audio is a 5.1 surround sound signal, it must be
downmixed for monitoring. This menu provides the configuration for the downmix.
Control - Operation Mode
Choose this option if you want to manually configure the channels for the downmix (see audio ->
downmix -> input selection).
Follow Metada
If you have properly configured the dolby metadata extraction (see section 0) you can use this
option. It will configure the downmix using specific extracted parameters from program 1 (center
mix level, surround mix level and mode (LtRt/LoRo)). If you also want to use the dialnorm
extracted parameter you must set
the “Apply Dialnorm” selection to ON. You can display the
contents of the Dolby metadata using the Show Status menu (see section 5.1).
Note that if there is no Dolby metadata
and the operation mode is set to “follow metadata” the Kaleido-
Solo will switch to manual mode automatically using entered manual settings for its processing. If Dolby
metadata is detected again the Kaleido-Solo will switch back to follow metadata mode.