MiR100, MiR200 & MiRHook Risk Analysis
Copyright Mobile Industrial Robots 2019
Software collision avoidance
: Software using safety scanner data to detect persons or obstacles to
avoid these or stop the robot before protective stop is triggered. This works regardless of whether
protective fields are active or not but filters out expected obstacles such as a charging stations or pallet
racks. The software collision avoidance is not safety rated.
Normal driving position
: The speed in normal driving position is 1.5 m/s for MiR100 and 1.1 m/s for
MiR200. In the description of the phases, the normal driving speed for MiR100 is shown first, and the
speed of MiR200 is shown in parenthesis (1.5 (1.1)).
Driving in reverse
: The speed when driving in reverse is shown as negative.
Throughout this document it is assumed that the products are used within the specifications of the
robot and top module.
That the guidelines of correct commissioning have been followed according to the product manuals
and the commissioning documentation, see Appendix A. Commissioning will include the following but
is not limited to:
Protective field adjusts to the size of the towing cart.
Protective field adjusts to the increased breaking distance due to the towing cart.
That carts are commissioned correctly to be towed by MiRHook.
When towing a cart MiR100 and MiR200 will never drive in reverse, the only exception is when loading
and unloading a cart.
When the robot drives into an enclosure it is assumed that the passage into the enclosure is not part of
an escape route.