This manual is intended to provide basic installation and operation guidelines for the oxidant solution
tank for the RIO Zuni™ on-site generator (OSG). If supplying your own oxidant storage tank, refer to the
Hydrogen Vent/Oxidant Tank Assemble Installation Instructions. If you encounter problems or have
questions not covered in this manual, please contact MIOX Service at 1-888-646-9457.
The RIO Zuni OSG is designed to operate in conjunction with an oxidant storage tank. An oxidant tank
with a drop tube assembly separates the mixture of mixed oxidant solution and hydrogen gas which is
generated by the OSG, vents the hydrogen gas to a safe location, and stores the oxidant for use. The
oxidant tank also holds the level switches which control the operational mode of the RIO Zuni OSG.
The RIO Zuni Oxidant Tank Kit is a product option that can be ordered with the RIO Zuni OSG. If an
oxidant tank was ordered from MIOX, the oxidant inlet, tank vent, overflow and oxidant outlet valve will
come pre-installed.
Figure 1: Fully Assembled Oxidant Tank
MIOX RIO Zuni™ Oxidant Tank Manual
P/N: 102-00115-C
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