XCell Spectra-G Model – Additional Operators Guide
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Miniature Aircraft USA
3.14. Servo Support Bridges
It is recommended that you purchase the optional servo support bridge package. The model
will perform adequately without these however they add a level of security to the servo
installation. Without the bridges in place, if the bolts that secure the servos come loose and
fall out, the servo will dislodge and perhaps cause the model to crash. With the support
bridges in place, several of the servo mount bolts can loosen or fall out and you should still
be able to maintain control of the model.
3.15. Muffler Mounting
If you have elected to use the optional Hatori Muffler, it is important that you securely mount
the components together. When installing the mounting block to the engine, use a high-
temperature silicon rtv compound (as an example Permatex Ultra-Black #598B) to secure the
bolts to the engine. This will prevent them from loosening and cause the muffler to possibly
fall off. Use this to secure all of the threaded components on the muffler.
3.16. Wire Connectors
Make sure that all connectors are secure. It is recommended that you use additional security
for the battery connectors, especially if you are using extensions or regulator connections.
Should these connectors become disconnected or simply fit loosely it will likely result in loss
of control of the model.