By using light and sound while listening to the spoken words, you should find it easier to accept
the information that is being spoken compared to just listening to the words by itself. Why? Be-
cause utilizing light and sound will take you to the level of consciousness where your mind is
more acceptable to new suggestions and change.
Are you a student or are you facing a promotional exam at work? What do you do with all those
notes you've been taking? Try this: In your own voice, make an audio cassette or CD based on
your notes. Listen to this cassette or CD in conjunction with an alpha or theta session, or a com-
bination of both. Whichever works best for you. I have had too many clients tell me alpha
works best or theta works best, for me to be any more specific. The important thing is you will
know what works best for you. And you should know within a matter of one or two days. You
will realize you have increased memory retention of what you need to know. Plus you should
experience less anxiety associated with your upcoming exam. But if you procrastinate or put off
studying until the last minute, don't even bother trying this method. Instead, skip the exam and
by a self-help CD (see above paragraph).
Frequently Asked Questions & Troubleshooting Tips
When should the batteries be replaced:
On the MENU screen, you will see a small battery and five bars, gradually increasing in size
from low to high. This is located in the top right corner in each screen. When four or five of the
bars are in 'bold', the batteries are still strong. When only two or three are in bold, it is a good
idea to make sure you have four extra AA batteries available. When only one bar is in bold or
none of the bars appear in bold, it is time to replace the batteries.
How do I find the serial number for registering my iLightz warranty:
First, press SETTINGS, scroll down the menu to ABOUT. Select ABOUT by pressing the cen-
ter key and you will see your Model Number, Firmware Number and Serial Number (S/N).