Pulsed stimulation is equal sound energy at each frequency. Binaural beat stimulation
creates two continuous tones, separated in frequency by the selected FREQUENCY function
value. The mind processes sound in such a way that you seem to hear, and sometimes feel, the
frequency differences or beat frequency of the two tones.
The PHASE function controls the phasing of the stimulation to the four stimulation
channels (right eye, left eye, right ear, left ear). If two stimulation channels are on at once, they
are said to be in phase. If one is on while the other is off, they are out of phase or alternating.
Duty Cycle:
This function controls the percentage of the total cycle time that stimulation is on.
The default value 50% represents 50% on, 50% off. A DUTY CYCLE display of 40% means
40% on, 60% off; 30% means 30% on, 70% off, etc.
With the ability to adjust the
Duty Cycle
from 10% to 90%, you have the enjoyment of experi-
encing a variety of stimulating sensations. But there is more. Press the up button past 90% and
you will see
, short for
Blend 2
Blend 3
respectively. These two features are
unique to the iLightz system. The
feature provides smooth transitions between mode
changes during a program. This feature can only be activated prior to the execution of a
program, and is enabled at that time. These selections will 'soften' the transitions between mode
changes in the built-in or custom program. Do not choose blend while designing and entering
the phase selections of a custom program, simply 'switch' it on or off, just prior to starting a
program, meaning the Blend option is not applicable in manual mode. To enable the Blend
feature, follow these steps: go to the Duty Cycle, press the up key past 90% and you will see
B2, press up once more for B3. Selecting either option will activate that particular mode for the
next program you run. Should you prefer to have Blend activated for all programs, select it as a
default setting in your
Personal Preference Program
. To disable the Blend feature, simply
return to the duty cycle portion in the
Manual Mode
area and select a stimulation cycle other
than B2 or B3.
Ranges from 1 to 36 notes. The pitch of the pulsed tone and binaural sound is controlled
by this function.
Ranges from 0-100. The INTENSITY function controls the brightness of the lights
in your stimulation lightframes. Always keep the brightness of your lightframes at a comfort-
able level.
Ranges from 0-100. The VOLUME function controls the sound level in the head-
phones, but not the external sound source volume (CD player, MP3, audio stereo system, pc,
etc.). Use your external sound source volume control to control external volume.