The Minelab Sovereign Elite
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When in the fully anti-clockwise position, the
Sovereign Elite is turned Off. Turning the control
clockwise, will “click” the Sovereign Elite On.
Continuing to turn this control in a clockwise
direction will increase the volume of the target
signals. At the most clockwise position, the volume
will be set at the “maximum” position. Minelab
recommends this position for most circumstances. Users should be
aware that when using headphones, if a large target is detected close
to the surface, the resulting loud signal may cause some hearing
discomfort, in areas like this a lower volume may be preferred.
Sensitivity Control
The Sensitivity control, located at the bottom of
the control panel, allows the level of sensitivity to
be adjusted to suit the conditions in which you are
detecting. It is often thought of in terms of a depth
control and it is, to a point, but more importantly it
also makes the unit more or less sensitive to
interference caused by ground chemistry
“mineralisation”, or electromagnetic fields.
At the most anti-clockwise position this control “clicks” into the Auto
position. In this setting the Sovereign Elite will automatically adjust the
level of sensitivity to the most stable level under the prevailing
conditions. Beginners should operate the unit in Auto, until they become
more competent in its operation.
Turning the control clockwise will “click” the Sovereign out of the Auto
setting into manual sensitivity. As this control continues to be turned in a
clockwise direction the level of sensitivity will be reduced. At the most
clockwise position, the Sovereign Elite is set at “minimum” sensitivity.
Volume Control and On / Off Switch
This control, located at the bottom right of the control panel, is used to
adjust a target’s signal volume in addition to switching the Sovereign
Elite On or Off.