Quick Reference Guide
Low Alarm
Slow siren
Slow alternating flash
llmlDI and gas bar flash
Vibrator alarm activates
High Alarm
Fast siren
Fast alternating flash
llmlDI and gas bar flash
Vibrator alarm activates
Multi-Gas Alarm
Alternating low and high alarm siren and
llmlDI and gas bars flash
Vibrator alarm activates
If Stealth mode is enabled, the audible and visual alarms are
disabled. Only the vibrator alarm activates ..
Slow siren
Slow alternating flash
llmlDI and gas bar flash
Vibrator alarm activates
Fast siren
Fast alternating flash
llmlDI and gas bar flash
Vibrator alarm activates
Over Limit (OL) Alarm
Fast siren and alternating flash
llmlDI and gas bar flash
Vibrator alarm activates
OL displays
20�- □t:
Sensor Alarm
During startup Error [sensor name]
During normal operation Err displays
Low B attery Alarm
Sequence of 10 rapid sirens and
alternating flashes with 7 seconds of
silence in between (continues for
15 minutes)
=::JI and !lmlDI flash, LOW BAT
displays, and the vibrator alarm activate,
After 15 minutes of the Low Battery
alarm, the Automatic Shutdown Alarm
sequence begins
OFF displays before deactivating
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Confidence B eep and lntelliFlash
One beep and flash every second
Note: Confidence Beep and
lntelliFlash automatically
deactivate during low battery
alann, self-test fail, calibration fail,
bump test fail,
an alann event.
Automatic Shutdown Alarm
Sequence of 1 O rapid sirens and
alternating flashes with 1 second of
silence in between (sequence reactivates
seven times)
LOW BAT and l!!!.'!il!ll display, and
vibrator alarm activates
OFF displays before deactivating
'Note: Alarms can be set to latching or non-latching. To enable/disable
atching, select/deselect
Latching Alarms
in Fleet Manager II. Local
regulations may require
latching alarm.
/flow Alarm Acknowledge
enabled and
low alarm occurs, press
'.) lo
disable the audible alarm. The visual and vibrator alarms remain
the alarm escalates
lo a
high, STEL,
alarm, the
audible alarm reactivates.
Quick Reference Guide
User Options Menu
To modify the user options, connect the detector to the IR Link
adapter and open Fleet Manager II. Refer to the Fleet Manager
II Operator's Manual for complete instructions.
1. Sensors (H2S, CO, LEL, and 02)
Sensor Disabled: Disables the sensor.
Calibration Gas (ppm) / (%LEL) / (%02): Defines the
calibration gas concentration for each sensor.
Calibration Interval (days): Defines how often a
calibration should be perfonned.
Bump Interval (days): Defines how often a bump test
should be perfonned.
Low Alarm (ppm) / (%LEL) / (%02): Defines the low
alann setpoint.
High Alarm (ppm) / (%LEL) / (%02): Defines the high
alann setpoint.
TWA Alarm (ppm): Defines the time-weighted average
(TWA) alann setpoint. H2S and CO sensors only.
STEL Alarm (ppm): Defines the short-tenn exposure limit
(STEL) alarm setpoint. H2S and CO sensors only.
STEL Interval (minutes): Defines the short-term
exposure limit (5-15 minutes). H2S and CO sensors only.
Auto-Zero Startup: When enabled, the detector
automatically zeros the H2S, CO, and LEL sensors during
the startup self-test.
LEL By Volume CH4: When enabled, the LEL reading is
displayed as %vol., assuming a methane environment.
02 Auto-Calibration on Startup: When enabled, the 02
sensor is automatically calibrated during startup.
2. User Options
Confidence Beep: When enabled, the detector beeps
once every second to verify the battery has sufficient
power to detect hazardous gas and emit an alarm.
Detector is shipped with Confidence Beep disabled.
Latching Alarms: When enabled, the audible, visual, and
vibrator alarms persist during a high or low alarm until the
gas concentration is below
low alarm setpoint and has
been acknowledged by pressing
Safe Mode: When enabled, SAFE continuously displays
on the LCD when all gas concentrations are normal or
below the alarm setpoints.
Stealth Mode: When enabled, the audible alarm, LEDs
and backlight are disabled. :tic displays on the LCD.
Low Alarm Acknowledge: When enabled, the audible
alarm can be disabled during a low alarm. T he vibrator,
LEDs, and LCD remain enabled. For H2S, CO, and LEL
sensors only.
Datalog Interval (seconds): Enter a value
(1-120 seconds).
Force Calibration When Overdue: When enabled, the
detector automatically enters calibration during startup for
overdue sensors. If the sensors are not calibrated
immediately, the detector will deactivate.
Cal Lock: W�en enabled, the sensors can only be
calibrated using an IR device (IR Link with Fleet Manager
or the MicroDock
base station).
Force �ump When Overdue: When enabled, a bump test
1s required 1f the sensor has exceeded its bump test
interval. If a successful bump test is not performed the
detector will deactivate.
lntel_liFlash:_ When e_nabled, the green LED flashes to
provide continuous visual confirmation that the detector is
operating correctly.
lntelliFlash automatically deactivates during a low
battery alarm, a self-test fail, a calibration fail, a bump
test fail,
during an alarm event. To define how often
lntelliFlash occurs (1-60 seconds), refer to Confidence
Beep and lntelliFlash Interval. Default setting is
1 second. Detector is shipped with lntelliFlash enabled.
Confidence Beep and lntelllFlash Interval: Enter a
value (1-60 seconds) to define how often lntelliFlash
occurs and the detector beeps. lntelliflash and/or
Confidence Beep must be enabled in order to define
Confidence Beep and lntelliFlash Interval.
Language: Select the language to display on the LCD·
Engli�h. Fran�ls (French), Deutsch (German), Espaflol
(Spanish), or Portugues (Portuguese).
Charging the Rechargeab, .. Battery
Charging the Rechargeable Battery
A Warning
Only the manufacturer can replace
battery. Failure to adhere to this caution can lead to fire
and/or explosion.
Charge only in a safe area that is free of hazardous gas
and within temperatures of 32
F to 113
F 1o•c to 45°C).
The charging adapter is specific to your region. Use of the
charging adapter outside your region will damage the
charger and the detector.
Do not calibrate during or Immediately after charging.
1. Deactivate the detector. Insert the charging adapter
plug into an AC outlet.