Minebea Intec PR 6130/38S Скачать руководство пользователя страница 27





latviešu valoНa (lv)



malti (mt) 


nederlands (nl) 


Atbilstības НeklarāМija



ϊikjaraггjoni ta’ konformitр




1. Produkta modelis / produkta 

numurs ή Нerīgs 

tikai projektam Nr.: 

2έ Ražotāja (2έ1έ) un tā pilnvarotā pārstāvja (2έ2έ) 

nosaukums un adrese: 

3έ Šī atbilstības НeklarāМija ir iгНota vienīgi uг 

ražotāja atbilНībuέ


ζέ ϊeklarāМijas priekšmets vai priekšmetiμ


ηέ Iepriekš aprakstītais НeklarāМijas priekšmets vai 

priekšmeti atbilst attieМīgajam Savienības 

saskaņošanas tiesību aktamμ


θέ AtsauМes uг attieМīgajiem iгmantojamiem 

saskaņotajiem stanНartiem vai uг Мitām 

tehniskajām speМifikāМijām, attieМībā uг ko tiek 

Нeklarēta atbilstībaμ


ιέ Paгiņotā struktūra а ir veikusi б un iгsniegusi 

sertifikātu в, kas attieМas uг гμ


Aέ PapilНu informāМija par ( )μ


Aέ1έ εarķējums


Aέ2έ Iepriekš minētais proНukts atbilst ϊirektīvas 

2ί1ζή3ζήES prasībāmέ Viens vai vairāki no 

minētajiem Eiropas stanНartiem jau ir aiгstāti ar 

jaunām versijāmέ Ražotājs aplieМina, ka proНukts 

atbilst arī šīm jaunajām versijām, jo jauno 

stanНartu mainītās prasības neietekmē proНuktuέ



1. Mudell tal-prodott / numru tal-prodott / validu 

biss għan

-numru tal-



2. L-isem u l-indirizz tal-manifattur (2.1) u tar-

rappreżentant aаtoriггat tiegħu (2έ2)μ


3. Din id-

Нikjaraггjoni ta’ konformitр tinħareġ 

taħt ir

-responsabbiltà unika tal-manifattur. 

4. L-

għan(ijiet) taН


5. L-

għan(ijiet) taН

-dikjarazzjoni deskritt(i) hawn 

fuq huwa(huma) konformi mal-

leġislaггjoni ta’ 

armonizzazzjoni rilevanti tal-Unjoni: 
6. Ir-

referenгi għall

-istandards armonizzati 

rilevanti li ntużaа, jeа ir


referenгi għall


ispeċifikaггjonijiet tekniċi l


oħra li skonthom qeН 

tiġi ННikjarata l


7. Il-kor

p notifikat а аettaq б u ħareġ iċ


ċertifikat в rilevanti għal гμ


A. Informazzjoni addizzjonali fuq ( ): 
A.1 Immarkar 
A.2 Il-prodott msemmi hawn fuq huwa 

f’konformitр mar


rekаiżiti taН


2ί1ζή3ζήUEέ WieħeН jeа aktar mill


Ewropej imsemmija 

Нiġр ġeа sostitаiti 

b’eНiггjonijiet ġoННa bissέ Il

-manifattur jiddikjara 

li l-

proНott huаa konformi аkoll ma’ Нaаn l


eНiггjonijiet ġoННa, għaб ir


rekаiżiti tal


Istandards il-

ġoННa ma jaffettаaаб il




1. Productmodel / productnummer / uitsluitend 
geldig voor projectnummer: 
2. Naam en adres van de fabrikant (2.1) en zijn 
gemachtigde (2.2): 
3. Deze conformiteitsverklaring wordt verstrekt 
onder volledige verantwoordelijkheid van de 
4. Voorwerp(en) van de verklaring: 
5. Het (de) hierboven beschreven voorwerp(en) is 
(zijn) in overeenstemming met de desbetreffende 
harmonisatiewetgeving van de Unie: 
6. Vermelding van de toegepaste relevante 
geharmoniseerde normen of van de overige 
technische specificaties waarop de 
conformiteitsverklaring betrekking heeft: 
7. De aangemelde instantie w heeft een x 
uitgevoerd en het certificaat y verstrekt dat 
relevant is voor z: 
A. Aanvullende informatie over ( ): 
A.1 Markering 
A.2 Het bovengenoemde product voldoet aan de 
eisen van Richtlijn 2014/34/EU. Een of meer van 
de genoemde Europese normen zijn inmiddels 
vervangen door nieuwe versies. De fabrikant 
verklaart dat het product ook aan deze nieuwe 
versies voldoet, aangezien de gewijzigde eisen 
van de nieuwe normen geen gevolgen hebben 
voor het product. 








polski (pl) 


português (pt) 


romсnă (ro)



ϊeklaraМja гgoНnośМi



Declaração de conformidade 


ϊeМlarație Нe Мonformitate



1έ εoНel proНuktu ή numer proНuktu ή аażnв 

авłąМгnie Нla projektu o numerгeμ


2. Nazwa i adres producenta (2.1) oraz jego 

upoаażnionego prгeНstaаiМiela (2έ2)μ


3έ σiniejsгa НeklaraМja гgoНnośМi авНana гostaje 


авłąМгną oНpoаieНгialnośΕ proНuМentaέ


4. Przedmiot(-y) deklaracji: 

ηέ Wвmienionв poавżej prгeНmiot (lub 

przedmioty) niniejszej deklaracji jest zgodny 

oНnośnвmi авmag

aniami unijnego 

prawodawstwa harmonizacyjnego: 

θέ τНаołania Нo


oНnośnвМh norm 

zharmonizowanych, które zastosowano, lub 
do innych specyfikacji technicznych, w stosunku 

ktяrвМh Нeklaroаana jest гgoНnośΕμ


ιέ JeНnostka notвfikoаana а prгeproаaНгiła б 

i wyda

ła Мertвfikat в oНpoаieНni Нla гμ


A. Informacje dodatkowe o ( ): 
A.1 Oznakowanie 

Aέ2 Wвżej авmienionв proНukt jest гgoНnв 

z wymaganiami Dyrektywy 2014/34/UE. 
Co najmniej jedna wymieniona norma europejska 

гostała już


гastąpiona noавm авНaniemέ 

ProНuМent ośаiaНМгa, że


proНukt spełnia 

авmagania także takiМh noавМh авНań norm, 

gНвż гmienione авmagania гaаarte а


normach nie 

mają аpłваu na




1. Modelo do produto / número do produto / 
somente válido para o número de projeto: 
2. Nome e endereço do fabricante (2.1) e do seu 
mandatário (2.2): 
3. A presente declaração de conformidade é 
emitida sob a exclusiva responsabilidade do 
4. Objeto(s) da declaração: 
5. O(s) objeto(s) da declaração acima descrito(s) 
está(ão) em conformidade com a legislação 
aplicável de harmonização da União: 
6. Referências às normas harmonizadas aplicáveis 
utilizadas ou às outras especificações técnicas em 
relação às quais é declarada a conformidade: 
7. O organismo notificado w realizou x e emitiu o 
certificado y relevante para z: 
A. Informações complementares relativa a ( ): 
A.1 Marcação 
A.2 O produto acima mencionado está em 
consonância com os requisitos da diretiva 
2014/34/UE. Uma ou mais das Normas Europeias 
mencionadas acima já foram substituídas por 
novas edições. O fabricante declara que o produto 
também está em conformidade com essas novas 
edições, uma vez que os requisitos alterados 
dessas novas Nor,as não afetam o produto. 



εoНelul Нe proНus ή σumăr proНus ή valabil 

numai pentru numărul proieМtuluiμ



ϊenumirea și aНresa proНuМătorului (2έ1) și a 

repreгentantului său autoriгat (2έ2)μ


3έ Preгenta НeМlarație Нe Мonformitate este emisă 

pe răspunНerea eбМlusivă a proНuМătoruluiέ


ζέ τbieМtul (obieМtele) НeМlarațieiμ


ηέ τbieМtul (obieМtele) НeМlarației НesМri

se mai sus 

sunt în Мonformitate Мu legislația relevantă Нe 

armonizare a Uniunii: 
6. Trimiteri la standardele armonizate relevante 

folosite sau trimiteri la Мelelalte speМifiМații 

tehniМe în legătură Мu Мare se НeМlară 

7. Organismul notificat 

а a efeМtuat б și a emis 

МertifiМatul в Мorespunгător pentru гμ


Aέ Informații suplimentare Нespre ( )μ


A.1 Marcaj 

Aέ2 ProНusul menționat anterior respeМtă Мerințele 

directivei 2014/34/UE. Unul sau mai multe din 

stanНarНele europene menționate sunt Нeja 

înloМuite Нe noi eНițiiέ ProНuМătorul НeМlară faptul 

Мă proНusul respeМtă Нe asemenea aМeste noi 

eНiții, așaНar Мerințele moНifiМate ale noilor 

stanНarНe nu afeМteaгă proНusulέ



Содержание PR 6130/38S

Страница 1: ... 6130 38S Installation Manual Translation of the Original Installation Manual 9499 053 03800 Edition 3 4 0 01 20 2020 Minebea Intec GmbH Meiendorfer Str 205 A 22145 Hamburg Germany Phone 49 40 67960 303 Fax 49 40 67960 383 ...

Страница 2: ...liied personnel In correspondence concerning this product the type name and release number serial number as well as all license numbers relating to the product have to be cited Note This document is partially protected by copyright It may not be changed or copied and it may not be used without purchasing or written permission from the copyright owner Minebea Intec The use of this product constitut...

Страница 3: ...ipment supplied 7 3 2 Technical Data 8 3 3 Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC 9 3 4 Dimensions 10 4 Installation and connection information 11 4 1 General information 11 4 2 Terminals and jumpers 11 4 3 Cable gland 12 4 4 Fitting the reduction sealing ring 13 5 Cable connections 14 5 1 General information 14 5 2 Connecting cables 14 5 3 Cable connections 14 5 4 Equipotential bonding conductor 15 5 ...

Страница 4: ...7 Disposal 19 8 Appendix 20 8 1 Certiicates 20 Cable Junction Box PR 6130 38S Table of contents EN 2 Minebea Intec ...

Страница 5: ...ed when measures for preventing hazards are not followed DANGER Warning of personal injury DANGER indicates death or severe irreversible personal injury which will occur if the corresponding safety measures are not observed Take the corresponding safety precautions WARNING Warning of hazardous area and or personal injury WARNING indicates that death or severe irreversible injury may occur if appro...

Страница 6: ... the environment may occur if appropriate safety measures are not observed Take the corresponding safety precautions Note User tips useful information and notes 1 6 Hotline Phone 49 40 67960 444 Fax 49 40 67960 474 eMail help minebea intec com Cable Junction Box PR 6130 38S 1 Introduction EN 4 Minebea Intec ...

Страница 7: ... state of the art The manufacturer does not accept any liability for damage caused by third party system components or due to incorrect use of the product The use of this product signiies recognition of the stipulations listed above The following table shows the load cells that should and should not be used for diferent applications Load cells to be used Load cells not to be used PR 6201 L N D1 C3...

Страница 8: ... Before operational startup NOTICE Perform visual inspection Before operational startup as well as after storage or transport inspect the device visually for signs of mechanical damage 2 5 Repairs and maintenance 2 5 1 General information Repairs are subject to inspection and must be carried out at Minebea Intec In case of defect or malfunction please contact your local Minebea Intec dealer or ser...

Страница 9: ...ied No Description 1 Cover 2 Box incl electronics 3 Sealing ring for M12 8 4 Cable gland M12 8 5 Locking pin 6 mm 3 6 Reduction sealing ring M20 for 8 mm 7 Cable gland M20 3 Speciications Cable Junction Box PR 6130 38S Minebea Intec EN 7 ...

Страница 10: ...rea screw connection M20 8 13 mm Overvoltage protection 2 Surge arrestor Type A81C90X Pressure equalization Plastic pressure equalization element Material of the junction box High grade stainless steel 1 4404 X2CrNiMo17 12 2 according to EN 10088 3 AISI 316L JIS SUS316 Surface of the junction box 2R according to DIN EN 10088 2 cold rolled bright annealed lat blank relective Net weight 1 24 kg Ship...

Страница 11: ...z EN 61000 4 3 10 V m Housing Electrostatic discharge ESD EN 61000 4 2 6 8 kV Fast transients burst EN 61000 4 4 1 kV Peak voltages surge 1 2 50 µs EN 61000 4 5 1 kV Signal and control lines Conducted disturbances by high fre quency coupling 0 15 80 MHz EN 61000 4 6 10 V 3 Speciications Cable Junction Box PR 6130 38S Minebea Intec EN 9 ...

Страница 12: ...3 4 Dimensions all dimensions in mm Cable Junction Box PR 6130 38S 3 Speciications EN 10 Minebea Intec ...

Страница 13: ...nd jumpers Terminal contacts 1 8 measuring voltage load cells Signal green Terminal contact IND measuring voltage connection cable Terminal contacts 1 8 measuring voltage load cells Signal gray Terminal contact IND measuring voltage connection cable Terminal contacts 1 8 supply voltage load cells Terminal contact IND supply voltage connection cable Supply red Terminal contact S sense connection ca...

Страница 14: ...ands to ensure leak tightness The following cable diameters are suitable 8 13 mm for gland M20 and 3 6 mm for cable gland M12 The cable wires are connected to the terminals inside the device NOTICE Property damage is possible If a seal insert is not used it must be sealed with a supplied locking pin NOTICE Property damage is possible Regularly check the itted cable gland for tightness and re tight...

Страница 15: ... in the metal sleeve 1 Unscrew the cap nuts 2 2 Remove the existing sealing ring from the metal sleeve 3 3 Insert the reduction sealing ring 1 in the M20 cable gland for cables 8 mm 4 Tighten the cap nuts 2 again 4 Installation and connection information Cable Junction Box PR 6130 38S Minebea Intec EN 13 ...

Страница 16: ...o the color coding Connect the screens on the other side of the connection cable with the equipotential bonding terminal of the downstream device see instrument manual as described in Chapters 5 3 and 5 4 5 2 Connecting cables To connect the junction box to the device connection cable PR 6135 must be used max length 300 m 5 3 Cable connections Note All components are only shown schematically Color...

Страница 17: ...he power supply is properly shielded against the efects of lightning Simply connecting the protective grounding conductor is not enough If the installation is not carried out according to our instructions this voids the warranty In particular the entire installation including the power supply must be suiciently protected against lightning 5 Cable connections Cable Junction Box PR 6130 38S Minebea ...

Страница 18: ...o be ofset by soldering in resistors The correct installation and accurate alignment of load cells are imperative for good measurement results and signiicantly afect the behavior with corner loads Therefore the installation and alignment of the load cell should always be checked irst if a corner error is identiied If necessary carry out mechanical height adjustment see Installation manual of the l...

Страница 19: ... Weight value on the display Weight set point Weight of the placed load RLC Input resistance of the load cell Example placed load 12 000 kg Display 12 052 kg RLC 1080 Ω see Installation manual of the load cell Calculated resistance 4 68 Ω The following steps are necessary to minimize corner load errors This aligns the load cells with the displayed value of the reference cell Note The soldering stu...

Страница 20: ...ing work Soldering work is permitted on the device for corner correction 6 4 Cleaning NOTICE Property damage caused by unsuitable cleaning utensils agents Damage to the device Prevent moisture from penetrating the interior Do not use aggressive cleaning agents solvents or similar agents For use in the food industry use a cleaning agent suitable for that particular working environment Use soft spon...

Страница 21: ... unsorted municipal waste so that it can then be recycled Before disposing of or scrapping the product any batteries should be removed and taken to a suitable collection point Please see our T Cs for further information Service addresses for repairs are listed in the product information supplied with the product and on our website www minebea intec com We reserve the right not to accept products t...

Страница 22: ...8 Appendix 8 1 Certiicates Ser no Description Document no 1 EU Declaration of Conformity MEU17042 2 Declaration of Conformity MDC17005 Cable Junction Box PR 6130 38S 8 Appendix EN 20 Minebea Intec ...

Страница 23: ...1 6 ...

Страница 24: ...2 6 ...

Страница 25: ...rsteller 4 Gegenstände der Erklärung 5 Die oben beschriebenen Gegenstände der Erklärung erfüllen die einschlägigen Harmonisierungsrechtsvorschriften der Union 6 Angabe der einschlägigen harmonisierten Normen oder der anderen technischen Spezifikationen die der Konformitätserklärung zugrunde gelegt wurden 7 Die notifizierte Stelle w hat x und die für z relevante Bescheinigung y ausgestellt A Zusatz...

Страница 26: ...e odnose na proizvod magyar hu italiano it δatvių kalba lt εegfelelősцgi nвilatkoгat Dichiarazione di conformità Atitikties deklaracija 1 Termékmodell termékszám kizárólag az alábbi projektszámhoz érvényes 2 A gyártó 2 1 vagy adott esetben meghatalmazott kцpviselőjцnek 2έ2 neve цs címe 3έ Eгt a megfelelősцgi nвilatkoгatot a gвпrtя kiгпrяlagos felelőssцge mellett aНjпk kiέ 4 A nyilatkozat tárgya i ...

Страница 27: ...ldoet aangezien de gewijzigde eisen van de nieuwe normen geen gevolgen hebben voor het product polski pl português pt romсnă ro ϊeklaraМja гgoНnośМi Declaração de conformidade ϊeМlarație Нe Мonformitate 1έ εoНel proНuktu ή numer proНuktu ή аażnв авłąМгnie Нla projektu o numerгeμ 2 Nazwa i adres producenta 2 1 oraz jego upoаażnionego prгeНstaаiМiela 2έ2 μ 3έ σiniejsгa НeklaraМja гgoНnośМi авНana гo...

Страница 28: ...ovimi izdajami saj spremenjene zahteve novih standardov ne vplivajo na proizvod 1 Tuotemalli tuotenumero koskee vain projektinumeroa 2 Valmistajan 2 1 ja valtuutetun edustajan 2 2 nimi ja osoite 3 Tämä vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus on annettu valmistajan yksinomaisella vastuulla 4 Vakuutuksen kohde kohteet 5 Edellä kuvattu kuvatut vakuutuksen kohde kohteet on ovat asiaa koskevan unionin yhdenmukais...

Страница 29: ......

Страница 30: ...Published by Minebea Intec GmbH Meiendorfer Strasse 205 A 22145 Hamburg Germany Phone 49 40 67960 303 Email info minebea intec com www minebea intec com ...
